File allows users to record contracts on the network or search contracts that are recorded on the chain network.
Name | Description |
This feature allows completed contracts to be written on the chain network as Hash value. | |
This feature inquires contract information recorded on the chain network using Hash values. | |
This feature inquires all contract related information recorded on the chain network. | |
This feature estimates the required gas fee when running the "createContractFile" transaction. | |
Parameters required to call API. |
1. createContractFile
This function(generate transactions) records contracts on the chain network. * Once a contract is recorded on the chain network, it cannot be further modified so we recommend users to only upload contracts that are complete.
Name | Type | Example |
wallet | Object (FirmaWalletService) | You can check how to use your wallet in the "firma-js of the Github repository". |
fileHash | String | "da39330a6dfd90a91563603950f742240fa222580beecf36e141fe6410184e8b1669119707" |
timeStamp | Number | 1669182016039 |
ownerList | Array (String) | ["firma1epg9kx7nqz32dykj23p6jreqfh5x0wdy5a43qc"] |
metaDataJsonString | String (JSON) | '{"storage":"ipfs","encryptIpfsHash":["U2FsdGVkX19UsL3m7Cq2bOtTCQArqZTuLgz7mfdRtXM2MnIgm67GM26GtPELsVL8s4+IN2Vj9FbFzpFj3rwfaw=="]}' |
txMisc (Not required) | Object (TxMisc) | {fee:200000,gas:163821,memo:"custom message"} |
Return value
2. getContractFile
This feature allows users to inquire contracts that are recorded on the Users chain using the fileHash value. * All contracts recorded on the chain network are recorded as hash values.
Name | Type | Example |
fileHash | String | "da39330a6dfd90a91563603950f742240fa222580beecf36e141fe6410184e8b1669119707" |
Return value
3. getContractFileAll
This feature inquires all contracts recorded on the chain network.
Name | Type | Example |
paginationKey (Not required) | String | Undefined | "ZGEzOTMzMGE2ZGZkOTBhOTE1NjM2MDM5NTBmNzQyMjQwZmEyMjI1ODBiZWVjZjM2ZTE0MWZlNjQxMDE4NGU4YjE2NjkxMDY3MTE=" |
Return value
4. getGasEstimationCreateContractFile
This feature estimates the gas fee required when executing the createContractFile transaction.
Name | Type | Example |
wallet | Object (FirmaWalletService) | You can check how to use your wallet in the "firma-js of the Github repository". |
fileHash | String | "da39330a6dfd90a91563603950f742240fa222580beecf36e141fe6410184e8b1669119707" |
timeStamp | Number | 1669182016039 |
ownerList | Array (String) | ["firma1epg9kx7nqz32dykj23p6jreqfh5x0wdy5a43qc"] |
metaDataJsonString | String (JSON) | '{"storage":"ipfs","encryptIpfsHash":["U2FsdGVkX19UsL3m7Cq2bOtTCQArqZTuLgz7mfdRtXM2MnIgm67GM26GtPELsVL8s4+IN2Vj9FbFzpFj3rwfaw=="]}' |
Return value
5. Parameter Description
Name | Description |
wallet | Unique wallet parameter created from the user’s Mnemonic. This parameter can be called by using the Wallet.fromMnemonic function from the FirmaSDK module. |
fileHash | This parameter contains the mapped information of a file or a text to a predesignated length. This information can be used to track Contract on the network and allows developers to add multiple Logs to a single Contract Hash. Using the FirmaUtil, developers can call the hash value of a file or a text and we recommend developers to use the unique value. |
timeStamp | This parameter timestamps a certain event, action or a result. This parameter is displayed as the "Unix time stamp" format and must be written in numbers. |
ownerList | This parameter contains the wallet address list of the users related to a contract. This parameter can be added for the same purpose as the ownerAddress parameter. |
metaDataJsonString | This parameter contains additional information related to a contract. Additional information for instance, includes, public key (encrypted), location of the saved contract, contract download link or the e-mail address of the owner of the contract. Please write this parameter as JSON text format. * There are no set standard so please customize this parameter to suit the purpose of your project. |
txMisc | This object contains the gas fee that is deducted when a transaction is called upon. * The default gas fee is set at 0.02fct. |
paginationKey | This parameter fetches all logs when the getContractLogAll is inquired. Once the number of log exceeds 100, this parameter is used to inquire data starting with the 101st data set. |
Last updated