OS package settings

This document is the OS package setting guide. It provides the OS package installation guide required in order to build the FirmaChain binary.

Update OS package

If you choose the Linux server, it might contain old versions of the OS package. We recommend you run the update package command in order to securely install the OS package (GoLang, gcc, make).

Using the command below, you can call the latest version of the OS package and upgrade to the latest OS package version. Check the latest version of the package using update and upgrade to the latest package version using upgrade.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Install GoLang

The minimum version of GoLang required to build the FirmaChain binary is v1.21. If the GoLang version is older than v1.21, you will not be able to build the FirmaChain binary. When installing the past Release, please install a version higher than v1.21.

Install the latest version of GoLang using the snap command.

# Install the latest version of GoLang
sudo snap install go --classic

When downloading the Release version instead of the latest version, please use the command provided in the example below. Please refer to this link for a more detailed instruction on downloading the Release version.

# Install GoLang using the Release version
wget https://go.dev/dl/<Release file name>

# ex) go1.21.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Install Build package

Install gcc (compiler tool) and make (FirmaChain binary build tool).

# Install gcc and make
sudo apt install gcc && sudo apt-get install make

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