Syncing from genesis
This document is a how-to-guide on joining the FirmaChain network using ‘Syncing from genesis’.
List of networks provided
Please check the genesis file, the seed and the github link according to the network you are planning to join.
Initialize the firmachain
Initialize the node and designate the moniker name.
Rename the moniker
Before activating the chain, you can modify the name of the node from the moniker field at ~/.firmachain/config/config.toml.
Setup minimum gas prices
Modify minimum gas fee.
Set seeds
FirmaChain discloses information on seed nodes for the purpose of P2P connection.
Download genesis.json file
After downloading the genesis.json file of the network you are planning to join, please swap the file with ~/.firmachain/config/genesis.json.
Syncing node
Finally, you can start the syncing process
If the genesis sync halts showing the error message below, please upgrade the chain binary.
Please click on the link below for the upgrade guide.
You can start firmachain using Cosmovisor or System Daemon.
Last updated