This document is a how-to-guide on joining the FirmaChain network using ‘Sanpshot’.
* Please note that we do not provide testnet snapshots.
List of networks provided
Please refer to the genesis file, the seed and the github link.
Initialize the firmachain
Initialize nodes and designate the moniker name.
firmachaind init <moniker-name> --chain-id <chain-id>
Rename the moniker
Before activating the chain, you can modify the moniker field in the ~/.firmachain/config/config.toml to change the name of the node.
vim .firmachain/config/config.toml
# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = "<moniker-name>"
Setup minimum gas prices
Modify the minimum gas fee.
sed -i 's/minimum-gas-prices = "0stake"/minimum-gas-prices = "0.01ufct"/g' ~/.firmachain/config/app.toml
Set seeds
FirmaChain discloses information on seed nodes for the purpose of P2P connection.
# Mainnet
sed -i.bak -e "s/^seeds *=.*/seeds = \",,\"/" ~/.firmachain/config/config.toml
Download genesis.json file
After downloading the mainnet genesis.json file, swap the file with ~/.firmachain/config/genesis.json.
# Mainnet genesis.json
wget -O ~/.firmachain/config/genesis.json
Download Snapshot file
Download the snapshot file using the following command.
wget -O ~/.firmachain/data/firmachain.tar
Please unzip the file using the command below after downloading the file.
tar -xvf ~/.firmachain/data/firmachain.tar
Syncing node
Once you’ve successfully unzipped the file, please activate the FirmaChain node using the command below.
You can start firmachain using Cosmovisor or System Daemon.